Modist Brewing

Modist Brewing

Located at: 505 N 3rd St, Minneapolis, MN 55401

At Modist, we push past traditional brewing by embracing creativity and unconstrained experimentation.

This starts with the approach to recipe development taken by our Head Brewer, Keigan. Contrary to starting with a style guideline in mind, then moving forward – he starts with a flavor and experience in mind, then works backward. And since we’ve decided not to be bound by style guidelines, he’s free to use whatever ingredients in any amount with whatever technique he wants to create a new beer experience.

To enable this philosophy and to enhance our creativity, we created a custom-built brewhouse that allows us to make the beers we want to make. It’s centered around the region’s first mash filter. This piece of equipment allows us to use any grain in any percentage – and do so while using a fraction of the water and energy of a traditional brewery.  

These are some of Bryant Lake Bowls’ favorite Modist products.

Modist MELT: 10 MG THC

Blood Orange Raspberry Vanilla
Available in Tallboy Can

Modist MELT: 10 MG THC

Ginger Lemon Lime
Available in Tallboy Can


Hibiscus Lemon Gose brewed with floor malted Bohemian Pilsner & wheat malts, kettle soured & conditioned on hibiscus, dried lemons, coriander & Himalayan sea salt.
Available on Tap.